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🇬🇧 NSA Sheep NI

Tynan Estate, Co.Armagh

4 July 2023

10:00 am - 5:00 pm

NSA Sheep Northern Ireland returns on Tuesday the 4th July 2023, 9am-5pm. For the first time, this year, the event will take place on farm at Tynan Estate, Co Armagh by kind permission of host Kate Kingan and her partner James.

Visitors will have the opportunity to see and compare a wide range of sheep breeds, suitable for both hill and lowland production, while an excellent entry of trade stands will bring together examples of just about everything the sheep farmer could need.

This biennial event provides a platform for the industry representatives, breed societies, breeders and companies to assemble and display their products at a single devoted venue. As well as trade stands, there are also seminars and a sheep dog sale.

Find AgriWebb at stand number 9 at the indoor section.

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