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Pasture mapping and management

AgriWebb brings together everything you need for your farm to succeed, and that includes paddock management. From digital paddock maps to detailed grazing insights, we help you ensure every land management decision you make is the right one.

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Pasture Mapping Interface
Pasture Feed Details

Custom insights, right on your pasture map

Get more out of your maps with custom insights at-a-glance:

  • Paddock utilisation
  • Crop type
  • Grazing days remaining
  • Days since grazed
  • Days grazed
  • Stocking rate
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rancher using cattle management software for ipad

Get ahead of the forage game

Want to know how much forage you have available in any pasture? Or how variables like fertiliser, cover crops, or grazing experiments are affecting your paddock performance? We’ve got you covered.

  • Exact feed on offer and minimum feed on offer records
  • Pasture growth rate
  • Real-time grazing days remaining calculation
  • Livestock load by paddock and grazing intensity reports
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Organize by pasture and crop type

Organize and group pastures using AgriWebb’s crop type and description features to create forage-type blocks and grazing rotations for better pasture management.

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Reports for pasture management

Load by paddock

View current paddock stocking rates, a detailed rainfall view, and cumulative load overview based on mob animal units and movement records.

Livestock activity by paddock

See a paddock-level stock reconciliation report that breaks down livestock movements in and out of paddocks by species type, breed, age-class and tag colour.

Movement reports

View a detailed list of all livestock movements across the property, and set specific time frames and filters to for faster access to the insights that matter.

“[AgriWebb] tells us how many days we’ve grazed in each pasture and how many days out of the year that pasture has been rested. It also has a component for measuring the amount of grazeable material out there. The software is going to help us keep track of a lot of our practices, the rainfall that we get at each location, and get a better handle on our record-keeping to improve our efficiency as an operation.”

Bob McCan

McFaddin Enterprises

“Things like traceability and sustainability are becoming more important, and you can’t be left behind. One reason AgriWebb is so appealing is that I can see the investment going into it. As we move forward with our practices, you guys are already a step ahead.”

David Paton, Owner

Mitta Agricultural – Mitta Valley, VIC, AU

No matter how you define success, we’ll help you get there.

  • Fast setup
  • Local support
  • No credit card required
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